The Deathbed Phenomena
It’s not just children who seem to have a connection to something beyond our comprehension. Older individuals nearing the end of their lives often report seeing people around them who aren’t physically present. Research has suggested that these hallucinations can bring comfort and contribute to a peaceful death. While this phenomenon may offer solace to the person experiencing it, it can be quite bewildering for those in the room.

In the case of this storyteller’s father, he consistently saw people in his room whom no one else could perceive. When he inquired about their identities, those around him were left at a loss for words. Referred to as “deathbed phenomena,” these visions are believed to be hallucinations that occur as a result of the brain’s processes during the dying moments. However, depending on one’s personal beliefs, these apparitions might also be seen as angels or the spirits of loved ones, ushering the dying individual to the other side.