A Visit From Granny
This story is nothing short of astonishing and defies rational explanation. The storyteller’s sister, Hailey, was just an infant when their great-grandmother, Granny Irene, passed away. Hailey had never met Granny Irene and had no living memories of her. That’s why it was a shock when Hailey woke up one day and declared that it was her 95th birthday.

Throughout the day, Hailey insisted on being called Irene and acted utterly bewildered whenever someone tried to convince her otherwise. Given her young age, she seemed unlikely to sustain such a charade throughout the day. To add a layer of creepiness, Hailey woke up the next day with no recollection of her supposed Granny impersonation, leaving the family baffled and slightly spooked by this inexplicable event.